Here is the code for the blog table, with a sample row filled up. Breeding Parent (in the right slot) & its level.Breeding Parent (in the left slot) & its level.If you have some time to spare, please use it to keep a record of the following and post it in your blog. Heroic Dragons (only in Breeding Event Island) Pure Hybrids - Pure Terra, Pure Sea, Pure Nature, Pure Electric, Pure Metal, Pure Ice, Pure Dark, Pure Flame, Pure Dark Justice, Sun, Luminsicent, Gaia, Photon, Rainbow, Cold Star, Fallen AngelĬolossal, Juggernaut, Leviathan, Red Woods, Tesla, Dark Stone, Nightwind, Panzer, Elfic Also, they once held an event in which seven dragons were revealed, each themed after an endangered animal. Ice, Coral, Chameleon, Storm, Laser, Hot Metal, Icecube, Dandelion, Medieval, Seashell, Mercury, Gold, Hedgehog, Dark Fire, Rattlesnake, Neon, Zombie, Cool Fire, Soccer, Armadillo, Jelly, Hammer, Ivory, Joker, Block, Tiny, Pure, and all Unique DragonsĪlpine, Ice Cream, Fluorescent, Steampunk, Jade, Dragonfly, Battery, Pearl, Vampire, Carnivore Plant, Petroleum and Treasure G-Rated Sex: Like all dragon breeding games, you get a breeding den. Platinum, Mojito, Snowflake, Moose, Venom, and Laser Metal, Cactus, Star, Spicy, Firebird, Lantern Fish, Gummy and Tropical That's it, you now have an idea of which Dragons you can possibly to get. If you've completed the steps correctly, among the list will be at least one dragon that has at least one Element from each of the parents you bred.Find the correct number of hours in the table following, in the space to the right there will be a list of Dragons that have similar Breeding Time.The following chart is measured in hours, and the number of gems = the number of hours.

The Breeding Time (time for the breeding to complete) is usually a good clue as to what the resulting dragon will be.